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MCE 1.1

August 11, 2018

General Update

- MCE is in 1.1! (must-watch tutorial video)

- Added 4.20 version of MCE to and Unreal Marketplace

- MCE is now using the built-in Unreal feature "Gameplay Tags" (must-watch tutorial video)

- Example Content has been cleaned up (fonts unified and removed, example map reworked, notification & feedback improved)


- Beam feature has been updated to be friendlier to use (video tutorial incoming soon!)

- Active Skills now have a variable called "CanBePressed" which turns on or off the fact that you can cast it. You can set it in the skill default variable or in SetActiveSkillMetrics

- "LookingForTargets" and "Targets" variables' and parameters' name have been renamed to "TargetQuery" and "TargetQueries" for better recognition


- CombatManager now have a variable called "ShowStatusText" which turns on or off the floating status text spawning when applying a status


- When spawning projectiles from Skills or when setting up the metrics in their construction script you can now specify a Muzzle FX which spawns in the same orientation and location than the projectile


- "TargetAround" variables' and parameters' name have been renamed to "NearbyTargets" for better recognition

Bug Fixed

- Client no longer had interaction response from skill pickups

- Specifying no charge FX would make charged skill not work

- Beam were passing through blocking collision

- Chat manager failed to properly name players on initialization

- Aura failed to display properly on client

- Aura failed to properly update targets' team and apply its effects accordingly

- Aura failed to update properly on weird enter / exit behaviors

- Example enemies were passing through the ground on death

MCE 1.0

May 19, 2018

- For anyone updating from Early Access you should carefully follow the "How to update" video. Moving on from an Unreal version to another or moving on from MCE EA to final MCE is considered an "hard update".


- The Skills' 'Charge' feature is friendlier to use and can now play animation montage when being released by default

- Skill input delay has been highly reduced on client

- Added the "Aura" feature to Skills but doesn't have a video tutorial yet! Head over the example content and the Command Aura to see an example of it.

- Added examples of Togglable and Aura Skills to Example content

- We are welcoming a new member in the manager family: the Networked Modifier Manager which is a manager you can add to your GameState. It allows us to create networked modifier outside of the Passive Skills and Status scope. Make sure to head over the modifier tutorial playlist to learn more about it!

MCE EA 0.3

April 30, 2018

- Fixed a long lasting bug regarding multiplayer death events, death should be more synchronized than ever!


- Having a better synchronized death also helped synchronizing projectile hits.

- Added "CanInteract" function in example "Interactive" interface to be able to dynamically modify if an Interactive can be interacted with at this moment


- Added "IsInAngleOfTarget" utility function in MCEFunctionLibrary instead of it residing in "BP_Skill" to make us able to check for an angle in any Blueprint we'd like

- When performing a "ReuniteRagdoll" function we no longer have to specified a base transform, it is automatically stored when performing the "TriggerRagdollDeath" function

- Added "EmptyResources" function to StatManager

- Added "GetActionHotkey" function to ActionManager

- Added "InstigateRevive" function to CombatManager

- Added collision checks to "Teleport" function

- Added "UpdateSkillBaseIcon" function to Modifiers

- Reworked naming convention of "PlayVSFX" to "SpawnVSFX", some functions currently used in your project might generate errors and you'll have to replace them accordingly

MCE EA 0.2

April 01, 2018

- AI Manager, Simple AI Interface and all AI components in the 'Utilities" folder have been removed from MCE Content and are now located within the Example Content.

The AI was never intended to be shipped directly into MCE. The showcased example AI is too game specific and therefore not supposed to be contained within the main MCE folder. All the AI examples showcased are still available within the Example folder downloadable for free.


- "Make Behavior" function in "Skill" has been renamed "Make Action Behavior".


- "Make Action Behavior" only overrides action behavior if specified in the "SetActiveSkillMetrics" function of your "Active Skills" as intended. Before it was overriding it by default.

- "Skill Slots" now reset their progress bar and cooldown timers when being spawned, which makes us able to visualize them better when working within the designer tab.


- "Skills" now implement a "OnStatusSpawned" event which makes us able to retrieve status spawned from that skill


- "OnStatusProcc" event in "Skill" now properly triggers when any status created by that skill proccs


- Several functions have been renamed or re-organized in the proper folder, leading to some compile errors on update.

- Some users might still be experiencing package error. The only current known workaround is to start a project from scratch.

MCE EA 0.1

March 05, 2018

- Early Access released!

MCE Alpha 0.1

November 16, 2017

- Site released!

- Alpha version being tested.

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